Tales of Bread

Still Life Photograph / Play Writing 

Throughout history, bread has been a humble translator of small to large changes. From the research around the history of bread, I discovered that the certain shapes of bread are representing historical facts. Those iconic shapes were live records and lucid markers from cultural shifts or social symbols.

For example, the shape of croissants is related to the invasion of Ottoman Empire and the shape of baguettes is a result of labor regulation. A fish shape bread in Japan was derived from a substitute of luxurious dish.

Following the potential of bread as an object to record history, Jihyun Hong wrote stories based on the relations between existing historical facts and the iconic shapes of bread. Furthermore, She envisioned the possible scenarios that the contemporary or near future would be recorded into the bread.

Through the composition and replacement of objects within a still life scene, she visualized the stories and put the bread in the context of narratives.

With a series of still life photoraph depicting the unrevealed tales of bread, she aims for enriching the fruitful stories behind the bread and broadening the way to percieve the bread.